Comparing Two Lifestyles (City vs Beach)
Contrasting the differences in lifestyle between these two photos
Good evening gentlemen. I recorded a quick video going over the main lifestyle differences between these two photos.
1.5 years between the two. Jan 2022-July 2023. Living in Mexico City on the left, Living in small beach town on the right (picture taken at a resort, not the beach town).
I got cooked on Twitter for this one. But the point still stands: Physiological differences are significant when you change your environment.
Anyway, a video going over some of the main differences:
100% correct. Most of the shit talkers, I would be willing to bet have never left the states.
Reason I say this: I also spend a lot of time in Mexico (Banderas Bay Areas) and everything is completely different. From the way you feel to the way you act / interact. I knew the US was compromised after my first solo trip.
When I got down there I ditched my typical 18-20 hour daily fasts, I would wake up crack a Pacifico with my shrimp/chorizo omelet I ate almost everyday. I did not actively try to be healthier while I was down there but I was, I looked better and felt better.
Think this was due to ocean breeze (salty air), sun exposure, barefoot 90% of the day, fresh food / real food, legit carbs, and effortlessly staying active.
Coincidently was my first time not wearing sun screen while down there as well. Sun Maxxing