Amigos! Good evening
First installment of Health HQ Insider AMA is up. I’m posting this one as public so everybody can access it.
Moving forward they will be a premium feature. You can ask questions weekly and I will answer all of them in videos like this (i’ll make the next one more succinct)
Give it a watch. Make sure to subscribe to the YouTube while you’re at it
noah im doing a bulk, ive been gaining weight but ive been dealing with bloating and my the only part of my body that seems to get bigger is my stomach any tips??
Context. I am a high energy, adhd having heavyweight. 6 ft 2 inches and 360-400 pounds. male.
I am having a good day playing my day according to the above but then at night due to overstimulation and excess energy I struggle sleeping. For example I hit bed at 10pm yesterday but then fell asleep at 430 due to overstimulation and hunger[ate little that day]
The above is an extreme case, but yeah.
Would love your thoughts and what you would do considering limited financial resources and living in Pakistan which is a country that's theme is overstimulation and overconsumption .