Fire Yourself (And Build your Team)
Get more done than a dozen people (by being a dozen people)
Gm gents (and ladies)
Trying to be "yourself" all the time is getting in the way of being who you ought to be. And definitely hindering who you could be.
If you want to get what you want out of life, you need to be an entire team of people. A corporation. A roster of specialists. Your life is a hiest and you’re George Clooney in Oceans 11. You’re Brad Pitt. You’re the whole squad
You wouldn’t build a fantasy team of all quarterbacks. How do you expect to win the game of life playing one position?
We've let self-expression become an excuse for bad behavior and mediocre performance.
We all have certain proclivities. But if you want to get anything of value out of this life, you’ll need to get over your deficits. Most people would be exponentially more successful if they just got over some minor personal hurdles.
They Want you to be “Just You”
The real issue is that most people are too unilateral. This is the role that big corporations & government want you playing. Good at one thing & one thing only. A cog in a machine. Teachable. Dependable. Expendable.
They reward you for not branching out. For staying in the lane. Specialists are praised. Education nudges you down these specialist routes instead of giving you real-life skills. The system DEPENDS on specialists. And specialists depend on the system
But this is far from how humans are meant to operate. specialization is for insects. Every man, whether they know it or not, wants to be a renaissance man. We have a hardwired script in our genes to be as competent as possible in any situation that could possibly arrive
We’re Built to be Multiple People
We're all built to be renaissance men. To play a variety of different roles.
Up until 20 years ago, you were expected to be a different person at work vs at home vs with friends vs at church. Now people wear pajama pants to literally everywhere & speak to their grandma like their friends on Xbox.
The industrial revolution changed that. But the tides are turning. Technological leverage has put the power back in the hands of the generalist. Somebody who is top 5% in 5 things almost always outperforms the top 1% in 1.
Solo-entrepreneurs are creating more value than entire firms. The same traits that made people horrible employees are making them incredible one-man businesses.
This is something we're all born with. And its something you can learn. Here's how:
Fire Yourself, Build your Team
You are no longer you. You are a corporation. You employ a handful of contractors.
Your life is a hiest and you need to build your team. An Avengers squad for your daily adventures.
This is how you get more work done than half a dozen people. you become half a dozen people
A few people that work for Noah Ryan & Co™
Marketing guy
Content creator
Sales guy
Operations guy
These guys clock in and out on an as needed basis. They all have tasks to do. The more they stay clocked in, the better they get at their job.
Each has unique proclivities. Different workflows. Some of them are polar opposites from one another.
But they all play a role in moving the business forward (Noah Ryan Co).
If The Operations guy and writing guy worked at the same time. My writing would be ass. Too rigid & structured. The traits that make a good writer make a horrible operator and vice versa.
Method Act Your Way Through Life
This is how you get more out of life than a dozen people: You become a dozen people. There's a reason why so many A-list celebrities are method actors, it WORKS.
Stop getting stuck in your head about who you are and start acting like who you want to be.
I'm not trying to get all Tony Robbins here but its true. Most behavior traits you think are core to your being can be uprooted by changing your identity.
Shy → Ballsy
Cluttered → Organized
Introverted → Extroverted
Pushover → Assertive
You’re going to be programmed one way or another. Might as well take control of the narrative
Create your Character(s)
The best way to change your identity is to stop taking you so seriously and just play a role. Create a character. This takes away all the emotional baggage of behavioral change
But let's focus on the "getting shit done" aspect of this.
You can only get so far being just a marketer. Just an operator. Just a writer. If you can learn how to employ all three, you have a whole business.
Different Tasks Require Different Headspaces:
Analyze your weekly tasks. Start grouping them by “cognitive type”
- Responding to messages, taking calls, interacting face to face
- Deep analytical work, detail-focused computer crunching
- Creative work, non-definite deliverables, non-linear problem solving
Taking coaching calls while designing a landing page in the middle of writing a Substack article fails every time (trust me). It fails because you're not giving any of your "characters" time to get in their groove.
Batch Tasks, Then Assign to Employee
Batch your work based on proclivity. What stuff is like other stuff? Writing 5 paragraphs isn't much harder than writing 1. Responding to 5 DMs isn't much more than 1.
Batch your tasks. Then schedule one of your employees to come in and knock it all out.
You'll find that each employee likes working at a different time. They have different workplace requirements and rituals
My business operator loves working from coffee shops in the morning. He listens to Samurai Champloo Lofi, rips NicNacs, and drinks cold brew
My writer works in a silent room with a red light pointed at his cranium while drinking sparkling water and wearing toe shoes
My strategist works on whiteboards while doing handstands and jumping up & down
The more you segment your employees, the more they know when its time to shine. When they like to come out. What they want to eat & drink. Even what nootropics they prefer (Writer guy loves Notable Focus).
This is how I work 6 jobs while simultaneously working none. I have segmented my mind so thoroughly that I almost got casted for Split
Apply This to More Than Business
Once you learn how to compartmentalize your mind like this, you can apply it to all areas of life. You can turn on “happy go lucky family man” without worrying about your administrative guy clocking in. This is mindfulness practice with immediate utility.
I'm constantly refining & experimenting with new personalities. I've learned to turn these off and on when applicable and now feel like life is on easy mode.
Life's too short to be just one person. Identify a trait you want to acquire -> Create a character that already has that trait.
I'm sending this one out for free because I want my writer employee to get more hours in. If you'd like to access all of my work, consider subscribing.
Samurai Champloo Lofi, nicotine and cold brew is based af, 100% incorporating that
He just gets me