Gm gents
Here are all your questions answered in-depth. Fair warning: there’s a lot here. Make sure to scroll down and see if any peak your interest. Let me know which of these you want to see turned into a full post. Lets get into it:
How can I get started with mobility?
The easiest way to get started with mobility is to train martial arts. Join a gym. Show up 10 minutes early and stretch before class.
Find some mobility exercises on Youtube that feel “right” and train them daily until they become too easy.
Then make it more difficult. Once you get the hang of it, move on to a new movement.
Train these movements intermittently throughout the day: between calls, while your food is in the air fryer, while watching YouTube (or reading my newsletter).
Layer mobility onto existing habits:
Brushing your teeth? Work your lunges
Waiting in line? Stretch your quads
Watching TV? Foam roll & work your splits
Learn to chain these movements together and do them every morning. Morning movement is high ROI
Mobility Resources
Check out my other substack posts
Ido Portal
Functional Patterns
Phil Daru
Range of Strength
All of these guys have different philosophies. Most of them think theirs are the only right ones. I like picking & choosing between all of them. I’m currently diving into Functional Patterns (with great results)
What are your fav types of cardio and supplements to get shredded??
The short answer here is Martial arts and caffeine
But I tend to get my most shredded when I’m:
Working, traveling, and socializing (most overeating is due to boredom/loneliness/lack of purpose)
Outside all day, in the ocean, grounded
Eating high/mid carb, low fat
I mentioned in Bulkmaxxing Guide how bulking is a mindset: Your physical and mental objectives should be parallel (cultivate mass, consume more)
The same goes for cutting: consume less, more output, more exertion. Bulking & cutting should follow seasons, and so should your workflow. Periods of consumption, periods of output.
I don’t believe in crash dieting. Restricting calories never really worked for me. I just ramp up my metabolism by consuming lots of fruit, lean meat, and coconut oil
Now if I were trying to go full biohacker mode, my stack would look something like: