How to Change the Structure of Your Face
Your facial structure isn't all genetics. It can be transformed. Even as an adult
Gm Gents
I recently ran into a friend from college. She said I look like a different person, as if I got a jaw transplant
Didn't really consider it at the time, but looking back at old photos, she's right. My face has effectively changed structure.
Sharper, stronger jaw. Pronounced browline. Less puffiness in my cheeks. This wasn't by accident.
There's a reason we find symmetrical & sharp faces attractive: They signal health & genetic quality.
Bilateral symmetry is an indicator of developmental stability. It showcases one’s ability to develop according to its genetic blueprint despite environmental stresses
Angular, prominent facial features are associated with higher levels of testosterone & an indicator of fertility.
Remember, genetics don't predetermine, they predispose.
Your facial structure is largely determined by your development, but it's never too late to improve:
My improvements in facial structure came between the ages of 23 & 24, well after most people consider the development window to be closed
I'm also at an innate disadvantage with a broken orbital socket & deviated septum, both contributors to facial asymmetry. If I can make this big of a change in my twenties, so can you.
7 Steps to Change the Structure of your Face:
Step 1: Learn how to breathe
Mouth Breathing makes you ugly, sick, & dumb.
It weakens the structural integrity of your face, reduces oxygen absorption, and leaves you prone to sleep apnea & sinus infections.
Make nose breathing a habit at all costs
The more you breathe through your mouth, the more inflamed your adenoids & tonsils become. These tissues overgrow & take up space in your throat.
The more you breathe through your nose, the easier it becomes. My nose has 60% breathing capacity and you’ll never find me mouth breathing. Ever.
How to make nose breathing habit: